For whom?
Osteopathy can be a solution for complaints of all ages, from babies to seniors and from adolescents to pregnant women. Treatment by an osteopath is often experienced as a relief for complaints that keep returning and for which no solution seems possible. If you are in doubt whether treatment by the osteopath can be of significance for your specific complaint, please call or mail me.
The osteopath is not a replacement for a general practitioner or specialist and will always refer you for additional research if necessary. I strive for a good cooperation with your general practitioner, specialist and other disciplines and therefore appreciate it if you inform them of your treatment.
General complaints
- Muscle, tendon and joint complaints
- Back and neck complaints
- Recurrent sports injuries
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Complaints after whiplash/ concussion
- Gastrointestinal complaints (heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowl syndrome)
- Complaints after surgery/ scar tissue
- (Chronic) sinusitis
- Hyperventilation
- Emotional problems (trauma, PTSD, burnout / overstrain, not feeling well)
- Sleeping disorders
- Preventative check-up and treatment/ maintenance
Female specific complaints
- Menstruation complaints
- Irregular menstruation
- Migraine
- Pelvic area complaints (incontinence, dyspareunia, coccyx pain)
- (peri) menopausal complaints
Nijdam Osteopathie
Marie-Jeanne Nijdam is gediplomeerd osteopaat en staat geregistreerd bij de Nederlandse Osteopathie Federatie (NOF).
Book an appointment
Treatment from an osteopath is often experienced as a relief for recurring complaints or physical problems that seem insolvable.
Call or send a textmessage:
Book an appointment online
Use the button to schedule an appointment online.
Hillegomstraat 12-14
1058 LS Amsterdam
+31 6 24 94 96 40
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