Method of osteopathic treatment
How does your osteopath work
We investigate what you need to feel good about yourself again.
Osteopath Marie-Jeanne Nijdam examines whether the tissues in your body are mobile and whether these tissues (such as nerves, muscles, organs, membranes, blood vessels) work together. If there appears to be a lack of mobility, and this is related to your complaint, the osteopath will bring this into motion again by means of osteopathic techniques.
In addition to optimizing mobility, you also become aware of your (behavioral) patterns.
Everyone functions in patterns (anatomical, embryological, behavioral). During your life you have built it up in order to survive.
Usually those patterns work in your favor.
But sometimes, in the longer term, it turns out that something no longer works for you and you can get ‘bothered’ by old patterns. Then it would be nice if you could gain insight into this!
Marie-Jeanne Nijdam has followed various psychological courses for this.
In addition, she has the talent to use humor and ask critical questions to make you think about yourself and why you do what you do. If necessary, we go in depth. So that you feel more space and relaxation and you don’t get stuck in the physical complaint you experience.
Sometimes full recovery is not possible. Then osteopathy may be supportive to make recurring patterns less strong. For example, with PTSD complaints.
The goal can then be to optimize the balance between the activation-rest system of your nervous system.
Even in these situations, my starting point is always: what is still possible! Which tools can we provide you with so that you can still develop a certain degree of self-reliance?
This combined method gives you insights and practical tools to keep the mobility of your body and mind optimal and to adjust yourself where necessary.
If all the structures in your body work together, you make the choices that are good for you, then you feel comfortable and feel good.
This is the aim of the treatment by Nijdam -Osteopathy; that you thrive again!
Yoga and osteopathy
It can be a way to prepare your body for osteopathic treatment, as support during the treatment process, or as maintenance after the treatment process.
The yoga techniques are based on Hatha yoga and are combined with yin, ashtanga and critical alignment yoga. In addition to the asanas (postures), breathing techniques (pranayama) are an important part. Taking into account your physical capabilities, history and goals (what your body needs). Contact us for the possibilities.
Multi disciplinairy treatment
If necessary, I work together with a GZ psychologist, your general practitioner, the mesologist (nutrition advice / supplementation minerals / vitamins), obstetricians and children’s physiotherapists. Of course always in consultation with you.
As far as I am concerned, the best combination of care is a balance between being down-to-earth (reason), intuïtion (feeling) and holistic thinking. All this combined with humor and honesty.
I look forward to meeting you in my practice.
Nijdam Osteopathy
Marie-Jeanne Nijdam is a certified osteopath and is registered with the Nederlandse Osteopathie Federatie (NOF).
Book an appointment
Treatment from an osteopath is often experienced as a relief for recurring complaints or physical problems that seem insolvable.
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Hillegomstraat 12-14
1058 LS Amsterdam
+31 6 24 94 96 40
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