Pregnancy, postnatal recovery, fertility

The anatomy of women is essentially different from that of men
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Osteopathy in women

The anatomy of women is essentially different from that of men. The biggest difference is that the female body is basically able to conceive, complete the pregnancy and bring new life into the world. These processes each require a specific adjustment of the tissues involved (hormones, circulation, joints, muscles, nerves and organs). If this adjustment is not optimal, it can lead to complaints during puberty and menstrual phase, pregnancy, after delivery and during menopause.


Conceiving and staying pregnant is not obvious. Sometimes your body can use some support in these processes. The osteopath uses manual techniques to optimize the mobility of the joints, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and organs involved, so that the mechanical conditions of the body to conceive are in optimal state. The treatment can also consist of exercises and / or a diet or lifestyle advice.

Indications for osteopathy in fertility are:

  • difficulties becoming pregnant (no medical conditions found)
  • supportive during fertility treatment such as IUI/ IVF

If you are unsure whether treatment by the osteopath could be of help for you, please contact Marie-Jeanne.

Complaints during pregnancy:


  • neck-/schoulder-/ backissuesgular menstruation
  • pelvic pain (tense pelvis, pubicpain, coccyx pain)
  • numbness of the hands/ fingers
  • heartburn (gastric reflux)
  • difficulties breathing
  • heavy / tired legs
  • intestinal complaints / constipation
  • cholestasis of pregnancy
  • urinal problems
  • hemorroids
  • abnormal positioning fetus

Complaints after delivery:


  • complaints after caesarean section (scar tissue)
  • complaints after gynaecolical procedures (curretage after miscarriage)
  • ongoing pelvic pain
  • coccyx pain
  • neck-/ and schouder issues 
  • numbness of the hands/ fingers
  • recovery after pre-eclampsia or HELLP syndrome
  • lactation difficulties

Duo treatment mother and child

New on offer is a duo treatment for mother and child.

Particularly after delivery, a check-up for your baby and you as a new mother is very advisable. For you to enhance your post-natal recovery and for your little one to detect and treat in a very early stage a possible postural preference, reflux complaints, cramps or tense body. This duo treatment also benefits the dynamic between you two!

In addition, it is also useful for improving problems during (initiating and/or maintaining) breastfeeding. Particularly for latching, sucking, swallowing and being able to breastfeed in an optimal position for the both of you.

If you have any questions or suggestions about this duo treatment, or if you would like to know whether it is also an option for you and your older child (or teenager), please email or call osteopath Marie-Jeanne Nijdam for a consultation.

In this treatment you come to the appointment with your baby, which lasts 75 minutes. The time is divided between the two of you and you each receive your own insurance invoice

Nijdam Osteopathy

Marie-Jeanne Nijdam is a certified osteopath and is registered with the Nederlandse Osteopathie Federatie (NOF).

Book an appointment

Treatment from an osteopath is often experienced as a relief for recurring complaints or physical problems that seem insolvable.

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Hillegomstraat 12-14
1058 LS Amsterdam


+31 6 24 94 96 40

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